Can I get a ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I don't know about all you Bama fans, but I am very excited. The only thing that makes it not as exciting is that Colt McCoy got hurt. I wish he had been able to play. I felt bad for him and for the freshman quarterback that had to take over.
So what are you doing on this very cold day? Can you believe we were out of school Thursday and Friday? I was a little suprised. It is so cold that you really can't do anything outside and there wasn't that much snow anyway. I took a few pictures!
Well I don't know about all you Bama fans, but I am very excited. The only thing that makes it not as exciting is that Colt McCoy got hurt. I wish he had been able to play. I felt bad for him and for the freshman quarterback that had to take over.
So what are you doing on this very cold day? Can you believe we were out of school Thursday and Friday? I was a little suprised. It is so cold that you really can't do anything outside and there wasn't that much snow anyway. I took a few pictures!
The view from my front door on Jan. 7th! Too cold to go out!

Schedule will change for next week.
Monday: We will set up Keyboarding software and do a short keyboarding lesson.
Tuesday: You will keyboard.
Wednesday: Finish Computer Basics Lessons
Thursday: Play Jeopardy to review for Test.
Friday: Take Computer Basics test.
I know the freshman was pretty good especially at the end, though. I feel sorry for Colt McCoy but he will definately go Pro.
Kassi :)
we injured Colt Mcoy on the fifth play of his first drive
2nd period
All i have to say is ROLL TIDE !!!!!
Kellsie ;D
poor McCoy:( I'm just glad Bama won:)
Bama is amzing
2nd period
Alabama still played good, stinks he got hurt real early too.
~`and the tide stills rolls on`~
D.R. (Marcus) =D
i think alabama played a very good game after colt mcoy got injurd in the first quarter lol :) i think if colt would not have gotten injurd the game would have went into overtime.
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INGRAM IS A BEAST I DID FEEL A LIL SRRY 4 COLT JUS LIK TEBOW....SENIOR YEAR AN LOST THE GAME BUT HE GOT HURT N THE VERY BEGGINNING SO I RLLLY FELT SRRY 4 HIM... I ABSOLUTLY LUV DA FACT DAT THEY SCORED 2 TOUCH DOWNS WITHIN THE LAST 2 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!! IT WUZ AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how much snow did you get i got like an inch
2nd period
roll tide roll!!!!!!! national champions #22 INGRAM!!!!! an amazing game :)
yea sadly Bama won but i still think that Bama is a horrible team and although they beat the gators december 5th i think that the gators are still the best team in the world they should of been in the champs. And next year get ready Bama cause the gators are coming back for revenge. CHOMP!CHOMP! GO GATORS!!! and yes it was sad that Colt Mccoy got injured and I believe that if Colt Mccoy did not get injured Texas would be the champs.
Gianni :D
We didn't get very much snow...just a dusting.
Gianni...Alabama will be back next year and they will stomp Flordia again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roll Tide!!!
that is alot of snow
hey teacher can i get a rollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yea buddy ingram is beast so is ritcherdson and all the other players on the team
mich atchely
thats alot of snow
First the SEC and now the BCS? Bama was in fire just like they will be next year! They rolled over everyone they played this year!! The only thing that worried at the end of the games was that they started to come back with a FRESHMAN QB!! But we pulled it off!! INGRAM IS BEAST!! #22
Mrs.H i loved the bama gamw roll tide to all the bama fans. It was very chilly outside or cold i can say so really didn't get out much have a great day
A.B 3rd period second sem.
mrs.h i love your shirt ur waiting. i am so glad that you are an auburn fan warr eaglee
ashlie bishop
That's alot of snow in your yard :)
Mrs.H i hope u enjoyed the game cause they r not going to beat us next year lol :P i go 4 auburn . bama did do a good job tho !!! peace out ttyl !!
There must be some confusion.
Roll Tide! 13 National Championships! (:
Poor Poor McCoy... Im still glad bama won Roll Tide Roll!!
Ttyl Mrs. Hughes <3333
Love, K.R ;P
yay! bama all the way baby! i did feel a little bit sorry for McCoy but hey..its the rosebowl, its got to have some pain to make a good game:) haha
anyways roll tide!!
:) -anonymous..;)
Well if yal didnt injure Colt MCcoy on the 5th play of the game i think Texas had a good chance to win!! Oh well....Nemo(:
N.M. 4th period
I love alabama but poor McCoy.Hope Alabama continues this winning spree. Go Alabama!
G.M. (4th period)
P.S. i got like 2 inches of snow, its almost freezing.My cats don't like the cold either.=O
i didnt watch it but i like colt mccoy! i feel for him
We got about 2 inches at my house!
Roll Tide, Mrs.Hughes!
K.L (4th Period)
roll tidee, i loved the snow i playedd in it for a while, but it was really cold, i loved the alabama game thursday night that made my day,(: but i feel bad for colt McCoy, but the freshman did really good,
boohoo that McCoy got hurt But Ingram would have beet him any way
-War Eagle
I felt sorry for the freshman that took his place too, but not so sorry that I wished Alabama would lose!
W.S 6 pd.
Ingram wuz the 1st one ever to get the hiesman and the national championship in the same year!!!!!
-War Eagle
I'm glad bama won, I didn't watch the whole game, but I saw parts of it, by the way those are cute dogs.
(:Roll Tide Mrs.Hughes!!!My family and i are BIG Alabama fans!I feel bad sor Colt Mccoy though!!ROLL TIDE:)
:)Alexis in your 6th period(:
Bama is the best team in the SEC and they will always will be no matter who they play!! Ingram is beast!! #22
thats alot of snow
hey mrs. h u remember when i told crimson the answer to jeperdy i didnt mean to well roll tide
kolton baker
Yes they are L.H.S!! Ha Ha Ha lol! love yah sister dear!
(:Alexis in your 6th period:)
hey mrs.H,
i hope ur having a GREAT day. I enjoy your class so much. It is so much better than art!!! Well i really didnt like the ultra key thing cause i can already time fast without using my home row keys but I guesse im going to have to get over it and use them... ill see ya tomorrow!!
kolton baker
plz accept my comment this time.
im crazy
and more crazy
oh yes i am
well gtg
haha c ya
hey mrs.H im at home now texting my friends haha c ya tomorrow.
haha love ya 2 a.s.w.!(and by the way mrs.h if u didnt know me and alexis r sisters lol)!well that would b kind of wierd now wouldnt it a.s.w.(and u know y lol)haha
<3L.H.S(2nd period)
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