Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Friday

You have made it almost through the first two weeks of school! Now you get a three day weekend! As you all know, I will be celebrating my birthday the whole weekend!!! Visiting with family and friends! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

  • Are you doing anything special for Labor Day Weekend?
  • Are you watching the Alabama v. Michigan game?
I guess it time for me announce my allegiance...ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respond in a comment if you want to tell what you are going to be up to this weekend. Remember don't use complete names...use initials of friends to be on the safe side. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Your fearless leader,
Mrs. H

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


This summer you were supposed to read the book Crash. We are going to do some discussing through the blog about the book. Today's post is just to get us used to typing in a blog format.

You will respond in a comment by answering the following questions:
  • Do you enjoy playing a sport? How do you feel about winning and losing when you play?
  • What does it mean to be a hero? Who are some of your heroes?
Respond by answering one or both of the questions. Do not use texting language. Type out your sentences. Proofread what you have typed. At the end of what you typed answering your question, add your initials and what class period you are in.  For example, I would put mh 2nd.

To publish the comment you click anonymous. Then click publish.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Test

Today you will be taking your first test!! After the test, we will begin a little competition.
  • Look under Resources.
  • Find the Link that says Volcano Puzzle. (Remember they are in ABC order)
  • This is a slider puzzle.
  • If you complete the puzzle by Friday, show it to me.
  • Then I will add your name to the WALL OF FAME.
  • All students who complete the puzzle, no matter how long it takes you, gets a little treat on Friday.
Happy Puzzle Solving!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Welcome to a New School Year!!!

You have almost made it through your 1st week of 7th grade!!!!!

You need to give yourself a pat on the back!!!

I think you are really going to enjoy 7th grade computer technology. Almost everyone has returned their forms. So we should be able to get our free emails very soon.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a wonderful weekend!!