Thursday, December 19, 2013

The end of a semester...

Hey you awesome students,

I am typing this from home this morning.  I just wanted to take the time to thank you for your hard work.  Now let's be honest, some did work harder than others...and that my friends is life.  I hope today as you do the cell phone PowerPoint that you will remember these tips when you start to drive in high school.  You all have such bright futures...limitless make the most of each day.

A few highlights of the semester for me were:

1. Laura Beth's videos of taking apart a computer.
2. Second period enjoying taking apart the computer that Laura Beth provided and then the one that Hailey provided.
3. I enjoyed each of the All About Me presentations!
4. 5th Period I enjoyed eating lunch with you.
5. I appreciated Skylar, Ben, and sometimes Gab saying, "Good Morning Mrs. Hughes!"
6. I appreciated Blake saying, "Good Morning Mrs. Hughes!"
7. I really appreciated the girls of 7th period...boy did we get an education!
8.  4th period, I even enjoyed your sports discussions...even though I would have to tell you to stop.  You are some really good thinkers and debaters.
9. For those of you who made an "A" on every assignment...I noticed your ability...please know how proud I am of you.
10. 6th Period was a bright spot in everyday.  You followed directions so very well with very few instructions from me.
11.  I appreciate all of you who said, "Hope you have a good day, Mrs. Hughes." Your kind words and well wishes were always appreciated.  Some of you did it everyday.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  I hope you are blessed for your kindness to  me.
12. 2nd period...made the start of every single day WONDERFUL!  CHEESEBURGERS!!!!
13. Lauryn...I enjoyed working on the project with you.  Keep up the good work!
14. are going to do something awesome with computers...when you are rich and famous...remember me! If you are secret agent somewhere in the world...send me a cryptic note...I'll know who it is from!
15.  I loved the "Hour of Code" and I am so proud of those of you who worked on it at home.  Keep up the good work.
16. 3rd biggest did listened...most of you...and you had to put up with me fussing at one student everyday...thanks for your perseverance!!! Now that student knows who they know I want you to do your best and that is why I fussed.

Well, I could go on and on...I really don't like good bye's.  I just wanted you each to know that you each are gifted in a special way.  Learn as much as you can and be good to people around you. 

I wish you a blessed holiday season and for is a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Take care and be good today!
See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Hughes
PS You can leave comments...just remember not to use full names or say anything negative. If you do I will not pulish the comment. Thanks!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Computer Science Week

Next week is "Hour of Code" week all across the world. We will take part in this.
Click on the link below and watch the video.