Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Directions For Wednesday

            Just need to rest my voice so that it will come back! Please be on your best behavior. Do the following:

·        Make sure you got a review sheet yesterday.

·        Keep the sheet to use to study for your test on Friday.

·        Finish the ALL ABOUT ME POWERPOINT.

·        Read and follow the directions. Proofread your work. No paragraphs in a PowerPoint Presentation.

·        You do not need to upload to Moodle yet. There are some things that I want to show you that are advance features of PowerPoint.

·        When you finish the PowerPoint, you will go back to Microsoft Word for one more newsletter. Some of you were absent when we did the first one. There is a question on the test that asks, “What is the title of a newsletter or publication called?” It is the Masthead. Read the directions. They may be directions that I have not converted to Word 2007. So here are the steps to setting up the Newsletter:

·        Step 1: Open Word. Click No Spacing.

·        Step 2: Click Center Align

·        Step 3: Click Insert Word Art. Select one. Type: Ethics Today

·        Step 4: Click ok and adjust size as necessary.

·        Step 5: Click on the right side of the Word Art. Then press Enter Two times.

·        Step 6: Click on Page Layout. Columns. More Columns…Two…Apply to…this point forward. (VERY IMPORTANT) Then you will type newsletter article. Add a Clip art. Add a table. (All of this is to review for your test on Friday.)

·        Step 7: Save as Ethics Today.

5th Period don’t forget to clean the tables. Someone be responsible for getting the Clorox Wipes. 5th Period, no drama going to and from lunch. Come back to class quietly and do your work.

Thank you for being good and understanding that I need to get better. To do that I just can’t talk for a few days. If I came to school, we all know that I would not be quiet. I would have to talk!!! J
I miss you guys!!! Happy Halloween! Don't eat too much candy tonight!
Mrs. Hughes

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